LEEA Crane / Lifting Supervisor
1.Target Group
Personnel to undertake the duties of Crane /Lifting supervisor for lifting operation, who have had training and experience in lifting operations and who
wish to gain a Crane/ Lifting supervisor certificate by completing the LEEA Accredited Training for Crane/ Lifting supervisor training for lifting operations.
2.Delegate Pre-requisites
Delegate are advised to possess minimum 3 years of lifting operation experience and Lifting & Slinging training Certificate.
3.Physical and Stressful Demands
Training and/or assessment activities contained within this Standard may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel
who participate in such activities must be physically and mentally capable of participating fully.
Therefore, to ensure that prior to participating in practical exercises, the delegates will be required to undergo medical screening by completing appropriate
medical screening form provided by QISC
4.Aims and Objectives
The aim and objective of this course is to provide the candidate with the underpinning knowledge, to be able to understand their roles and responsibilities.
Ensure the safe practice of moving of loads, Breaches of the procedure, Preparation of Risk Assessment and a basic lift plan.
5.Learning Outcomes / Assessment Criteria
At the end of the training delegates must be able to:
1. Demonstrate a Knowledge of the legislation, regulation (Ac of P) and standards governing the use of lifting equipment
2. Recognize the roles and responsibilities of Appointed person, Crane/Lifting Supervisor, Crane coordinator, Rigger/Slinger, Signaler/ Banksman and Crane
3. Recognize and prevent the personal, work site and environmental hazards & risk
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of crane outrigger setup
5. Demonstrate a knowledge of Force Influences & Rating Methods
6. Demonstrate how to estimate loads
7. Demonstrate How to find center of gravity of loads
8. Demonstrate How to determine Configuration of the mobile crane
9. Recognize the Load and Environmental hazards
10. Explain the load characteristics that affect complexity
11.Demonstrate and recognize the lifting categorization and limitations
12. Explain the relevant parts of LOLER 1998 & PUWER 1998
13. Explain key control-of-work documents and their purpose
14.Identify and list typical hazards associated with rigging and lifting activities
15. Explain correct and safe manual handling techniques
16. Explain how to check that there is adequate access, work space and lighting within the designated work area
17. Explain sling angles and sling tension
18. Explain the purpose of inspections and ‘thorough’ examinations
19. Explain the purpose of a risk assessment
20. Explain the purpose of a lifting plan and how to interpret information from a lifting plan and method of statement prepared by Appointed Person
21.Identify key criteria of a lifting plan
22.Conduct a lifting operation working from, and conforming to, detailed criteria contained within a lifting plan
23.Correctly and safely position and install lifting equipment prior to starting the lifting operation, including positioning of the hook over the centre of gravity
of the load
24.Correctly establish that the area around the load is clear and that the load is free to be lifted
25. Explain reasons for informing all relevant parties of impending and ongoing lifting operation
26.Demonstrate a knowledge of different types of lifting accessories and how to carry out a pre use check
27.Demonstrate a knowledge of how to understand and complete a simple lift Plan / Basic lift and Cross hauling
28.Demonstrate a knowledge of hand /radio signals in accordance with BS 7121Code of practice for the safe use of cranes
29.Demonstrate the correct selection of lifting equipment
30. Explain the reasons for ensuring the worksite is left in a clean and tidy condition
6.Delegate Performance Assessment / Certification / Validity
Delegate Performance Assessment: Delegates will be given a theory assessment paper having 25 Questions in order to test their understanding of the
knowledge elements specified in the Learning Outcomes (Key Learning Points).
The test pass mark is 80%.
For practical session, delegate must be able to prepare risk assessment and execution of a live lift plan to be recorded as a competent LEEA Crane /
Lifting Supervisor.
Certification: LEEA Approved Certification with Three years’ validity
7.Instructor & Delegate Ratio
8.Duration and Timing
3 Days
9.Venue [-Location]
QISC or client premises
10. For more information
Please contact us direct for availability & costs:
Email: training@madinagulf.com
Tel: +974 4450 1223
Fax: +974 4450 1220
www.qisc.net / www.madinagulf.com